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Changes in new employment legislation coming soon

Some key changes to employment legislation are coming into force this year and all business owners should be aware of them. Here are some of the changes below: Rates of pay  From April, changes will include increases to the National Minimum Wage...

Even longer delays for justice, say statistics

Victims, witnesses and defendants are facing even longer delays to access justice, according to a new report. Official criminal court statistics for July to September last year, reveal that the time from offence to the case being resolved at the...

The Queen appoints a new district judge for the Midlands circuit

Geraldine Mary O’Donnell (62) has been appointed a district judge by the Queen, on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Dominic Raab MP and the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, the Right Honourable The...

Magistrates’ powers to double maximum sentences are on the way

Magistrates will soon be able to double the maximum prison sentence they hand down, in a bid to reduce the crown court backlog. Lord chancellor Dominic Raab announced the changes for the sentences and said that magistrates will also be...

Legislation for wills to be witnessed by video call extended to 2024

Vulnerable people have welcomed the extension of legislation that allows wills to be witnessed via video-calls. Under the 1837 Wills Act, two witnesses’ signatures are required in the physical presence of the person making the will. However, during lockdown in 2020,...

Ex-banker made partner at Bray & Bray

Bray & Bray has recruited an ex-bank manager to partner and jointly head the law firm's wills, trusts and probate team alongside Andrew Hitchon. In his new role, Russell Dalby - a member of the Society of Trust & Estate...

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