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Antonio Albanese joins BonelliErede

BonelliErede’s team continues to grow with the addition of Antonio Albanese as Of Counsel at the firm’s Milan headquarters.   Albanese boasts vast prowess in bond law and contract law, including in litigation and arbitration involving companies and liability of banks and financial intermediaries – the...

BonelliErede assists Golar in the Snam tender for the sale of an LNG Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) for the Sardinia Project

BonelliErede, with a team comprising Giuseppe Manzo (partner and member of the Energy & Ecological Transition Focus Team), Alessandro Rosi (senior counsel) and Elena Perera, Giulia Vannoni and Maximilian Denicolò (associates) assisted Golar LNG Limited with its bid in the public tender launched by...