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HomeLegal InsightOpinion & Analysis4 Court Orders That Aim To Protect Children And Prioritise Their Safety

4 Court Orders That Aim To Protect Children And Prioritise Their Safety

If children need protection, several court orders can be put in place to help with this. A child may require protection if they have suffered abuse/neglect by their parents – or another family member. This can be a difficult time, but children shouldn’t have to suffer alone. The court can give them the protection they need to feel safe in their surroundings. This short guide will discuss four court orders that protect children, such as a non-molestation order.

Care Order

A care order applies to children suffering significant harm due to a lack of care from their parents or the child’s other parent. The council, in the best interests of the child, will take them into care, where they will receive the support they need and deserve. The council can apply for an order of this nature under the Children Act 1989. It is then the job of the court to decide how much the child’s parents and other family members, such as siblings, can see them. Proceedings of this nature can take around 26 weeks to complete.

Non-Molestation Order

If a parent – and their children suffer abuse from a partner – or an ex-partner, they can apply for an injunction through the family court. A non-molestation order is granted to prevent the abuser from causing harm to the other parent and their children in the future. This order is not only granted against spouses. It can also be granted against associated partners, such as family members or friends. You can acquire assistance in applying for a non-molestation order through qualified legal professionals like National Legal Service Solicitors. They can guide parents through the process, offering support at what can be a difficult time.

Emergency Protection Order

The court urgently grants an emergency protection order if they believe a child immediately needs to be removed from their surroundings to avoid significant harm. The child will be removed from their home – and taken into short-term protection. It is the job of a social worker to safely collect the child. This can be from their home. However, it can also be from other establishments, such as their school. You can learn more about what a social worker does by referring to some online research. This type of court order can prevent parents from moving their children from places they are staying and can last for up to eight days or more.

Supervision Order

If the local authorities believe a child is suffering neglect at the hands of their parents, they can apply for a supervision order. This gives them the legal power to monitor the child’s progress and needs. This typically applies for one year. However, if the local authorities are still not confident after this period, they will extend it. A social worker will be on hand to advise, and their job will be to support the whole family during this period. Once the order ends, supervision of that child is no longer needed.

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