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HomeSector InsightsLegal TechUK Legal Technology Innovator Estatesearch Expands to Canada

UK Legal Technology Innovator Estatesearch Expands to Canada

26 March 2024: Leading UK legal technology provider Estatesearch has launched in Canada. The award-winning legal technology innovator will now offer asset and liability searches and Will Data Management services to Canadian legal firms.

Jonathan Upton, Director, Estatesearch confirmed: “The Canadian probate process is broadly similar to that of the UK and Canadian lawyers often face similar challenges to their British counterparts in relation to establishing assets and liabilities within the estate of a deceased individual. The size, degree of sophistication of Canada’s financial institutions and the common law system all also share similarities. Therefore, it made sense to extend services into Canada, so that lawyers, their clients and financial institutions over there can benefit from our professional experience and award-winning technology.

“We have already had productive conversations with numerous Canadian legal firms to help us refine and optimise our Financial Profile Search for the local market. The asset and liability search supports professional probate teams in carrying out due diligence related to establishing the extent of an estate. It also offers clients peace of mind and a demonstrable audit trail of their efforts, whilst helping to ensure that beneficiaries receive what is rightfully theirs.

“This move will also see us extending the jurisdictions where we can offer overseas asset and liability searches to UK firms, starting with Canada, as well as offering UK searches to Canadian firms.”

Searches are ordered through Estatesearch’s secure, online platform which provides access to a growing range of essential estate administration services, helping firms manage everything in one place. With no registration or subscription fees, firms only pay for the services they need.

Jonathan Upton continues; “We are continuously looking to improve our services. In our recent UK customer survey, we were rated excellent or good by 98% of 200+ clients surveyed with 100% of respondents recommending Estatesearch, achieving a Net Promoter Score of 96. We are now looking forward to replicating our service offerings in Canada to lawyers, paralegals and law clerks to assist with asset discovery, risk mitigation and best practice in probate cases.”

Estatesearch is sponsoring and speaking at the Toronto Lawyers Association Estate Law Round Up webinar Events – Estatesearch Canada, moderated by Hull & Hull LLP on 27 March 2024.

For further information please visit: https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.estatesearch.ca&data=eJxdjDsSwiAQQE8DJRODn0mxhY038ADrsiZoIMhu5PpSO_O69-YRnA8h0JOCn8hfbIC5YuFvzFyqoy3ZBFEHur_GiT_zyQpwiLpVcxxWbJmb9Mrtb1sh8Yo5snuwqnT_f9phUS1i_NWMt05rzbEoKgtjpcUR_gDwuzI5

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