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Intellek Selected by Fosway 9-Grid™ as the Only Digital Adoption Specialist in 2023 Report

A leading provider of digital adoption solutions has revealed that it is named as a Digital Adoption Specialist in the 2023 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Digital Learning. This is the second consecutive year that Intellek has been recognized on the grid, the company has also...

Klaxoon Raises €15 Million in a New Funding Round to Power its Growth

Klaxoon, leader in collaborative and hybrid work solutions, has announced the successful outcome of its funding round to raise €15 million. After a year of global crisis in 2022, the company -  now reporting an annual revenue generation above €20 million - has reinvented itself...

Legal Brands’ Online Visibility Driven Down by Google Updates

Search giant Google’s latest two updates have cut down the visibility of the legal sector’s biggest UK brands.   Digital PR agency Tank analysed the impact that Google’s most recent updates had on the visibility for the largest businesses’ websites across 15 sectors.   It tracked how many...

Burges Salmon takes a leap towards the future with B-Innovative Week

The firm has ran its annual innovation and technology week with virtual and in-person talks, webinars and hands-on live sessions Last week, Burges Salmon hosted its annual B-Innovative Week, bringing the firm’s people together to explore and be inspired by the latest technologies and approaches...