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Emails highlight worries about potential Home Office interference in the Independent Review of Prevent, according to Rights & Security International

Rights & Security International (RSI), a London-based human rights charity, says copies of emails it has secured through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request emphasise concerns that the Home Office could have interfered significantly in the report of the Independent Review of its Prevent...

Legal claim investigated on behalf of heat network energy customers

Residents whose home heating and hot water is supplied through a heat network could have grounds for a legal claim, according to law firm Leigh Day. Customers who receive their heating by means of a heat network are not protected by the energy price cap...

CILEX Chair Professor releases statement following government announcement

Following the government announcement that there will be a review into civil legal aid, Chair Professor of CILEX, Chris Bones, has responded. The government announcement explained that they will explore options for improving the sustainability of the legal aid system for people facing civil and...

Dispute over industrial action laws as RMT announce new year strikes

Travelers are in dispute over strike laws following the announcement that fifteen rail companies across the UK will strike on the 5th of January. RMT, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and transport workers, have released their statement following a period of walkouts across a...

New law to make business easier while protecting customers

A new law will help UK firms do business while maintaining strong protections for consumers, the government has announced today. Currently, the UK has retained EU rules that exempt businesses from competition law in certain circumstances. The rules expire in May. But expert advice from the...

Still no decision on legal aid ballot

Criminal barristers are still waiting to hear if they will be balloted about action if the government does not promise to increase legal aid funding. Lord chancellor Dominic Raab said he would have an answer by the end of March. An independent review of criminal legal...