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Criminal Bar steps up criminal legal aid fight

The Criminal Bar Association is prepared to escalate further action over criminal legal aid. Since April 11, hundreds of barristers agreed on a 'no returns' policy. This meant not covering for colleagues on returned cases because courts had overrun, been rescheduled or caused a diary...

Solicitors decline low-paid work in response to legal aid reforms

Solicitors will snub low-paid work in response to the government’s criminal legal aid reforms. After voting to join the criminal bar in protest action, many London practitioners have said they will decline some work, beginning with burglary cases from May 25. The Lord chief justice has...

Legal aid industrial action begins for barristers

Barristers have started industrial action in a feud over legal aid funding today. Almost 2,500 barristers have now said they will refuse to step in at the last minute to pick up court appearances or preparatory work for colleagues whose cases are over-running. It stems from...

Barristers will take industrial action over legal aid funding

Criminal barristers have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action in protest over legal aid funding. The Criminal Bar Association (CBA)'s ballot saw 94 per cent of votes in favour of refusing to accept returns from 11 April. This is when a barrister steps in to...

‘No returns’ or ‘no action’ ballot over legal aid ends tonight

Barristers have a few hours left to have their say on criminal legal aid reform. The Ministry of Justice has had a continuing feud with the legal sector over a review by Sir Christopher Bellamy, which recommended at least £135 million a year extra in...

Still no decision on legal aid ballot

Criminal barristers are still waiting to hear if they will be balloted about action if the government does not promise to increase legal aid funding. Lord chancellor Dominic Raab said he would have an answer by the end of March. An independent review of criminal legal...