7.3 C


Paper LPAs to remain after concerns over digital impact on vulnerable people

Traditional paperwork for Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) will remain under modernisation plans. The Law Society had raised concerns about the impact that an all-digital system would have on vulnerable people including those with learning difficulties. A consultation has been underway for the last year with...

‘Swifter justice’ as courts set to carry on at full capacity

The cap on sitting days has been lifted for the second year running with courts expected to continue working at full capacity. The Ministry of Justice has said that the move will speed up the justice system to help reduce the backlog of cases, which...

Majority of whiplash claims still from represented people

New stats reveal that the majority of whiplash claims from December 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, were from represented people. Concerns have been raised that some injured people are not using the whiplash portal because they are unsure about how to make a claim,...

Ministry of Justice responds on whiplash claims reform

Plans for further reform on the whiplash claims process have been dashed by the government. The Ministry of Justice responded to the second part of the Reforming the Soft Tissue Injury Claims Process consultation, which closed more than five years ago. The first part relates to the...

Barristers will take industrial action over legal aid funding

Criminal barristers have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action in protest over legal aid funding. The Criminal Bar Association (CBA)'s ballot saw 94 per cent of votes in favour of refusing to accept returns from 11 April. This is when a barrister steps in to...

Still no decision on legal aid ballot

Criminal barristers are still waiting to hear if they will be balloted about action if the government does not promise to increase legal aid funding. Lord chancellor Dominic Raab said he would have an answer by the end of March. An independent review of criminal legal...