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Stephanie Boyce

Warning ahead of register launch

Article by: Nick Mayo at The Law Society. Solicitors’ leaders are alerting lawyers to the impending launch of the Register of Overseas Entities (ROE) which will introduce new responsibilities and risks into some property transactions*. UK government announced last week that the new register, created under...

Caution warning as register of overseas entities comes into force

Article by: Nick Mayo at The Law Society. Solicitors are being warned to exercise caution as the register of overseas entities (ROE) is launched on Monday 1 August. The Law Society of England and Wales has issued guidance to assist solicitors after identifying risks, particularly in...

‘Woefully inadequate’ government proposals could threaten justice

The Law Society of England and Wales has announced its response to the government’s consultation on criminal legal aid. Its president I. Stephanie Boyce, said the proposed government funding would not maintain the criminal defence profession to uphold justice. She stressed: "Our criminal justice system is...

Criminal defence not a ‘viable career’ says flash poll

A survey from the Law Society has found that junior lawyers do not see criminal defence as a long-term career. Only one in five of 139 people surveyed said they did see criminal defence as viable. Nearly all respondents were aged between 18 and 35. One...